Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Status quo

Things are going well today for Nicholas. I almost didn't post an update because there isn't much to share. He's required a bit more oxygen today but still doing well overall. Tomorrow is a big day as he has labs in the am, a follow-up head ultrasound (first one was normal), they plan to increase his feeds and it's his last day of antibiotics. Our highlight of the day is 3pm when we get to do his daily cares (temp, diaper change, mouth care and repositioning). We switch off each day. Denise did a fabulous job today, even though she complains that I act as the lead supervisor :). It's amazing how long it can take to change a diaper on someone of Nicholas's size. We'll keep you posted on the results of tomorrow and try to get another picture to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, He is such a tiny bundle. I pray for him everyday. Hope you girls are less stressed each passing day. Love Marge
