Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Quiet Weekend

Before anyone gets to excited, we are not going home just yet. We did get a car seat "fitting" today and mini test. Nicholas loves his car seat (thanks Aunt Darlene and Aunt Dianna) and did well with his pulse ox while seated. As we get closer to discharge, he will sit in the car seat for an hour and have his heart rate and oxygen levels monitored. For those of you who look extra close at the photo's, you will notice that his ng tube is back in. While Nicholas is doing very well with his oral feedings, he does occasionally get "too tired" to eat and needs his feed to be given via the ng. We continue to "plan and prep" for home. We have many new baby items at our house, now we just need a "baby." Nicholas will also have a visit from the pulmonologist (lung doctor) on Monday and we will begin working with home care to get his heart monitor ordered. As an aside for those of you who are "in to the numbers" - Nicholas is 5 lbs 6 oz, and today, the first day of spring, marks day 76 of life. Happy Spring and have a good weekend!


  1. Hey Nicholas, it looks like you are on a ride at DisneyWorld in that seat and ready to blast off from Spaceship Earth. Looks like a cool car seat and hopefully you will be able to enjoy it soon on the trip home. Of course, it also means that shopping trips are just around the corner. Although, we know that neither D likes to shop.
    Oh well, get used to the comfort of the walk and sleep through it all until you can reach the things close at hand and embarass them when you pull the items down. Looking forward to hear about those times. It's amazing how you have progressed in 76 days and continued improvement for the future. You're a tough little dude and we all love you.

  2. Okay, so I have to admit, when I pulled up your blog and saw your beautiful little Nicholas sitting in his car seat, tears instantly came to my eyes!! I didn't even get a chance to read anything and I was crying!! I guess I feel like I have (in spirit) been along on this challenging but wonderful incredible journey with you guys, and I was just soooooo excited that the little guy was going home!!! Of course I calmed down as soon as I read the very first sentence, but I am still so excited because it sounds like this very special and exciting day is coming!! VERY SOON! I am sooooooo happy that he is over 5 lbs now! He is so cute and just an absolute miracle. Keep us updated. In the meantime, I will be thinking of him, and praying for his continued positive progress. Love, Darcie

  3. he is so cute i cant wait to see him!!!!! i am so excited that he is supposed to come home on thursday!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!! ella
