Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My first head to toe bath

Today, we gave Nicholas a full head to toe sponge bath in his isolette. He really seemed to enjoy it and we loved seeing and shampooing his full head of hair. The first picture is during his bath, the second when we got him positioned post bath and the last, 5 minutes later. He also had PT (Physical Therapy) today. They came in to evaluate him and work on some developmental positioning. The therapist was very impressed with his "muscle tone." Nicholas continues to tolerate his feeds (16 cc every 2 hours) and continues to grow. Depending on the conversion scale you use, he's approximately 2lbs 12 ounces. If he stays on this trajectory, they will likely put him back on 24 calorie versus 25 calorie breast milk/formula combination, which would be like a "baby diet."


  1. He is looking great
    How much CPAP is he on?

  2. hes looks sparkly clean and big El

  3. Looking great Nicholas! I'm also impressed with his muscle tone, look at those pipes in the second picture. You can thank Jake for that, he continues to pray nightly to help baby Nicholas grow 'big and STRONG'! :) Keep up the good work buddy!

  4. Watch out for those NICU PT's!! :) Hopefully you can get one that will do some infant massage! Keep up the good work! We are all praying for you!

  5. he looks so clean now i can not wait till he will see me and know who i am
